Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Japanese Shoes

Today I Was Learning...
How To Remove Backgrounds From Images That Have, A Background.
I Enjoyed...
Creating The Shoes To Put On My Feet
I Found It Challenging To...
Put The Shoes On My Feet
My Digital Learning Object Shows...
How To Create Shoes That Represent Your Country. Also How You Can Remove A Background From An Image That Had One.
Next Time I Would Change...
I Would Change The Position Of My Feet.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Kuchisake-Onna Or Slit Mouth Woman.


Kuchisake-onna walks the streets of Japan with a
white surgical mask on covering her mouth.
She walks up to kids who are on there own
or with or with one other person with them. She
walks up to them and asks them a question.
Kuchisake-Onna Was a woman in japan. Her husband
thought she was cheating on him because she would
always come home late so one day… Kuchisake-onna
went out again and her husband followed her and saw
kuchisake-onna kissing another man.
So when kuchisake-onna returned home.
Her husband grabbed a sharp object and cut
kuchisake-onna’s mouth ear to ear… Shortly after
that kuchisake-onna commited suicide…
Kuchisake-onna is a vengeful spirit she will walk up
to you when you are alone, and she will, ask “Am I pretty?”
If you say no she will, grab a pair of scissors and decapitate
you. If you say yes she will tear off her mask and say
“Am I pretty now?!” you say no she will do what she would do before. If you say yes she will grab,
her scissors and slit your mouth from ear to ear….
If you want to escape Kuchisake-onna  give her candy,
or say an answer like, you look average, normal or fine.
If you try and run away she will hunt you down till she can,
decapitate you… 
In conclusion in japan you should
walk home in groups of three or four… If you
run into Kuchisake-onna remember to say an answer
that will confuse her or just give her your CANDY.



Tuesday, September 3, 2019

My Japanese Logo

Japanese Logo

Today I Learned...
How To Polyline Around Images That Have Detail On Them And Make Them Simple.

I Enjoyed...
Colouring The Polyline And Outlining The Images

I Found It Challenging To Do...
The Outline Of The Image, Because When You Make Mistakes It Messes Up Your, Whole Outline Your Doing.

My Digital Learning Object Shows...
A Native Animal Of Japan And A Beautiful Cherry Blossom Tree, With A Shiba Inu.

Next Time I Would Change...
The Colors Of The Logo